We Never Forget

State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory 7, Promislova Str. Lviv - Fact Sheet

Written by: Head Librarian


 Image Desription here

 Author(s):  N/A
 Document Title:  State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory 7, Promislova Str. Lviv - Fact Sheet
 Retrieved from:  US Embassy - Ukriane
 Published:  N/A
 Date Retrieved:  08/27/2022
 Description:  Fact sheet for US bioweapons lab in Ukraine - State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory 7, Promislova Str. Lviv
 * This document is only available for reading and research purposes only    

